Charcoal Magazine
Art Production Manager ········· Rayne Schulman
Art Director ········· Gabriela Garcia Mendoza
Art Director ········· Gabriela Garcia Mendoza
Our Story.
Charcoal is a multimedia collective at Boston University with the mission of highlighting young creatives of color in the Boston Area. As the Art Production Manager, I worked closely with the Art Director to develop and enforce the visual identity and narrative of each issue. We oversaw a team of 13 designers, ensuring the the branding was maintained and all timelines were met.
The 10th issue recognizes how Charcoal got to where it was. Return acts as a guide through time. It takes the hand of the reader and calmly walks you through the past nine eras of Charcoal Magazine. By grasping a larger understanding of our past, we have a firmer foundation in our present, and an expanded imagination for the future.

Ego Death.
As the 9th Issue, Ego Death aimed to cracks open our truths. It expands on its own definition, the degradation of the human ego, by questioning the intangibility of such an experience. This issue acts as a capsule of case studies exploring how every human being can experience and achieve an ego death.

Climax, the 8th issue, explores what makes people’s lives worth living. It’s a rejection of inhibitions and an exploration of indulgent, unrestrained fulfillment. It’s a love letter to all of our recklessness and mindful devotion to the parts of our lives that keep our hearts beating.